Currently I'm working on an application I call "AppPlaSys". This project is written in Python and uses GTK as graphical Interface library.
The goal is to have a three parts menu as known from the classical Gnome menu with separate "applications, places, system" parts but with modern concepts being implemented.
There will also be a variant containing all three parts in one window, meaning system settings, places on the hard disk and applications shown at the same time.
The menu is meant to be functional on all Linux desktops and should only depend on a few other packages. I'm using Xfce so that AppPlaSys is optimises for the Xfce desktop of course...
More information about the current state of this project and already implemented features can be found at and .
If you like AppPlaSys and it is useful for you, I'd be happy to receive an eMail or even a postcard (Lucas Sichardt, Lupinenweg 4, 36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany).
letzte Änderung: 17.06.2020
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