Aktuelle Information
AppPlaSys - Documentation

If the application was downloaded as deb package, it just has to be installed by double click as usual.

If AppPlaSys was downloaded as a 7z archive, the content has to be extracted to any folder. The application can then be started by python AppPlaSys.py.

If the application is meant to be installed for all users, the main AppPlaSys folder should be copied to /opt/. Then the main file should receive execution rights and it should be linked into a folder contained in the PATH environmental variable. Typically this all can be done with the following commands (administrator rights needed; sudo should be used in front of all commands or you should login as administrator by su - depending on the Linux distribution used):
sudo ln -fs "/opt/AppPlaSys/AppPlaSys.py" "/usr/bin/AppPlaSys"
sudo ln -fs "/opt/AppPlaSys/AppPlaSys.py" "/usr/bin/appplasys"
sudo chmod ugo+x /opt/AppPlaSys/AppPlaSys.py

After this you will have the exact same sitation as it would have been after installation via the deb package and the application can always be started by the command AppPlaSys

If you want to update AppPlaSys you just have to download and install the new version exactly the same way as described above. No matter if the deb package or the 7z archive was used. AppPlaSys will restart once recognizing the new version.

Using AppPlaSys
AppPlaSys can just be called by the command AppPlaSys and will show the all in one view with applications, places and system in one window.
With the help of commandline arguments this can be changed:
AppPlaSys --module=apps - only applications part is shown
AppPlaSys --module=places - only places part is shown
AppPlaSys --module=system - only system part is shown

Starters in a desktop panel can be set just like this. It could also make sense to provide position arguments:
--position=100,25 - With the position argument it is possible to specify the exact coordinates at the screen the AppPlaSys window should be shown at.
--reference=bottomleft - The reference argument specifies which corner of the AppPlaSys window should be located at the specified coordinates.

Typically a command for showing the application part of AppPlaSys at the top right corner of the screen (if the screen has a of 1024 pixels) would be as follows:
AppPlaSys --module=apps --position=1024,0 --reference=topright

Such a command should be used for a starter in the a desktop panel - this is done in different ways depending on the desktop environment used.

Additionally it is for example possible to center the window on the screen by --center.

Another important command line argument is --command=hidden. This way AppPlaSys is told to be started in background. This command can be used in the desktop's autostart so that AppPlaSys will be accessable immediatly after system boot.

There are more command line arguments which can be listed by AppPlaSys --help.
Additionally many of the mentioned options as well as other additional options are available through the configuration file which is accessable via the settings button at the top right corner in the system part of AppPlaSys. This button will lead to the graphical configuration tool once it is implemented. At this time it leads to the configuration file itself which is located in the user's home folder: ~/.AppPlaSys/

AppPlaSys can be customized. It is possible to specify the window size manually, you can decide if the window should be hidden when focus is lost, custom actions for search texts matching specific patterns can be defined.

All those functions can only be accessed via the configuration file. It is worth to have a look at this file and to study the example actions etc. delivered with AppPlaSys by default. In future all this will be done via a graphical configuration tool.
The settings are available via the settings button in the top right corner of the system part of AppPlaSys - or at ~/.AppPlaSys/settings.

Solving Problems
If AppPlaSys should hang or crash - what to do?
Bascially AppPlaSys is only started once per user at the same time. If one instance should crash this could prevent another functioning instance to start.

The following steps should be performed, once AppPlaSys doesn't work anymore:
- try starting AppPlaSys again (In many cases AppPlaSys will recognize a crashed instance by itself and it will close it so that AppPlaSys can start normally afterwards - this can take up to 70 seconds in rare cases.)
- delete the files in /tmp/ beginning with AppPlaSys and containing your own username (e.g. "AppPlaSys-lucas" or "AppPlaSys-lucas-loading") - normally this step is performed automatically by AppPlaSys within two, but max. up to 70 seconds
- restart your PC
Most likely the first step should do it. In every case of AppPlaSys not working right I'd like to receive an eMail, if the problem was not caused by a syntax error in a configuration file.
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